Tutorial Rework

Tutorial Rework

Hello Bloodhunt Community!

During Early Access, you let us know that you enjoyed the tutorial but that you wanted us to explain a few aspects of the game in more detail. Perhaps even more importantly, you wanted the ability to play it again after it had been completed.

Today, we have some good news to share regarding this.

Rethinking and reworking the tutorial was something we based on your suggestions. Here’s a glimpse of what you can expect.

Easy to access and play again

We heard you on this – you can now replay the tutorial! It is accessed from the mode selection-menu. The tutorial is now also skippable for those of you that want to jump straight into the action.

More like a real match

The tutorial now feels more like a real game session. The flow of objectives is presented in a natural manner, ensuring that you have all the necessary information to complete them and then test your skills. We put effort into reorganizing the objectives so that the tutorial feels both straightforward and worth completing.

We also hope you are ready, because you will be facing an AI opponent. This is to make sure you can practice your aim and abilities. You will also get a feel of fighting an enemy and getting them into a downed state. We think this will get you ready to fight against the Anarchs!

And for those who like to venture the streets of Prague in search of all the interesting little details – we have a pinch of exploration involved in the tutorial for you, too.

Are you ready?

Of course, the best way for you to get a feel of the new tutorial is to go ahead and test it for yourself. In the upcoming playtest, you will be able to try it for yourself, so let us know what you think about it over at our discord. You can find it right over here: discord.gg/Bloodhunt

Happy learning and until next time, see you at dusk!



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